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Pretend Play with Toy Horse and Ride On Tractor | Children Learn Names of Fruit and Vegetables

Duration: 04:44Views: 3.4MLikes: 6.6KDate Created: Oct, 2018

Channel: Hailey's Magical Playhouse for Kids

Category: Entertainment

Tags: baby songsfor toddlerspretend playfruits learning videolearn names of fruitslearning videoslearn names of fruit and vegetablesfor kidsvideos for kidslearn fruitsbaby videoslearn names of fruits and vegetables in englishnursery rhymessongs for childrentoddler videos

Description: Learn names of fruit and vegetables while listening to Farmer in the Dell nursery rhyme song and Old MacDonald had a Farm songs for children. The little kid plays with toy horse, finds fruit and vegetables around the pretend farm using a ride on tractor and feeds it play food toys. The toy horse loves the fruit and vegetables so much it eats them all. Please subscribe! bit.ly/2AfysjJ Hailey's Instagram bit.ly/2OwuWtY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hailey's Magical Playhouse focuses on learning for toddlers and entertainment. Each week you'll find children playing with new toys, pretend play and kids songs or nursery rhymes for babies, toddlers, preschooler and elementary. Thank you so much for watching our kids videos for kids!

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